Pre-VFL Players

  • Denotes players who also appeared in the VFL from 1897 onwards.

Includes non-senior players.

1859 to 1896

William Abernethy 1883 - 1884
John Adams 1880 - 1881
Dave Adamson 1868 - 1869
George Adamson 1896
James Affleck 1884 - 1885
Arthur Agg 1888
Bill Ahern 1895
Archibald Ainslie 1862, 1865
Dave Aitken 1877, 1879 - 1882
George Aitken 1882 - 1888
Robert Aitken 1886 - 1887
William Aitken 1864 - 1866
William Aitken 1874
William Aitken 1889 - 1892
Harry Alessio 1885, 1889
George Allen 1889
Eugene Amsinck 1860 - 1862, 1864
Hugh Anthony 1879
Thomas Anthony 1876 - 1878, 1881
Felix Armytage 1860 - 1861, 1863 - 1864
David Arnott 1860 - 1861
Norcott Atkins 1883
Charles Aryey 1860
Jack Bailey 1884
William Bailey 1885 - 1887
Samuel Baird 1885 - 1887
Charles Baker 1876 - 1883
Fred Baker 1876 - 1880
John Baker 1860 - 1864
Alexander Balcombe 1864 - 1865
Wilton Barfoot 1864 - 1866, 1868
Richard Barker 1864
William Barker 1869 - 1875
Charles Barrass 1868 - 1869
Ted Barrass 1877
Walter Barter 1860
William Basevi 1860
Henry Batterbury 1878
Alfred Bedford 1895
Larry Bell 1864, 1867 - 1875
James Bennie 1872 - 1880
John Bennie 1865 - 1876
Alexander Bennie 1881
Samuel Bird 1860
James Birtwistle 1878 - 1879
Joseph Birtwistle 1878
Charles Blanchard 1862
Bob Booth 1880 - 1883
John Booth 1873 - 1880
John Boundy 1894
Robert Boys 1884
William Boys 1878 - 1883
David Brayshay 1883 - 1886
William Brazenor 1859 - 1860
James Bride 1876
Eddie Brooks 1888
Alex Bruce 1859 - 1860
Frederick Bruford 1865 - 1870
Jerry Bryant 1859 - 1861, 1863 - 1864
Henry Budd 1860, 1864
Thomas Burke 1887 - 1888
Kenny Burn 1888
William Burns 1886 - 1888
Fred Burton 1888
George Burston 1877 - 1879
Charles Butler 1878, 1882
Thomas Butterworth 1859
Robert Byers 1890
James Byrne 1859 - 1861
James Byrne 1868 - 1873
James Byrne 1881
Verney Cameron 1859
Allan Campbell 1864 - 1865
Dal Campbell 1864 - 1865
David Campbell 1867
Donald Campbell 1865 - 1868
Jimmy Campbell 1860, 1862 - 1863, 1865 - 1866
Willie Campbell 1865 - 1866
Arthur Carnegie 1887
Charles Carr 1869 - 1876
Harry Carr 1877, 1882 - 1885
Henry Carr 1868
Robert Carr 1871 - 1874
Billy Carroll 1884 - 1886, 1890
Michael Carter 1873
Harold Catford 1893
Harry Chadwick 1868
Alex Chalmers 1882
Edward Champion 1884 - 1885
Henry Champion 1883, 1885
John Champion 1884
Charles Chessell 1868
Andrew Christy 1884
David Christy 1891 - 1896
Henry Claringbould 1889
Alfred Clarke 1860
Jim Clarke 1865
Charles Cock 1879 - 1880
Walter Coldham 1876 - 1877
Tom Colles 1869 - 1872
Alexander Collie 1885
Bertie Collins 1883
John Colville 1866 - 1868
Arthur Connelly 1889 - 1892
Frank Conway 1883
Harry Conway 1866
Jack Conway 1860 - 1866
Joseph Cook 1878 - 1879
Ted Cooke 1877 - 1878
Bob Cooper 1877 - 1878
Bransby Cooper 1872
George Cosstick 1860 - 1861
Sam Cosstick 1860 - 1861
Claude Couchman 1880s-1890s
Albert Coulson 1884 - 1886
Charles Coulson 1885 - 1886
Richard Courtney 1860
Frank Crohan 1878 - 1880
Charles Crooke 1873
William Crooke 1879
John Crosby 1860
Angus Cumming 1873 - 1875, 1877
David Currie 1894
George Cussen 1884
Leo Cussen 1884
George Dana 1866 - 1867
Robert Darchy 1872 - 1873
William Darchy 1865
Everard Darlot 1880 - 1881
Raleigh Davidson 1872 - 1876
Tom Deane 1889
Alexander Dennis 1860
Arthur Devlin 1864
Joseph Dobell 1889
James Dobson 1892
Robert Don 1882
Archibald Douglas 1882 - 1884
Percy Douglass 1882
George Down 1875 - 1876
Harry Downes 1876 - 1881
Fred Drury 1890
Dave Duff 1869 - 1872
Frederick Earl 1870
Arthur Edwards 1885 - 1887
Jack Edwards 1893
Gideon Elliot 1861
Henry Evans 1882
Bob Ewing 1887 - 1888
Daniel Ferguson 1867
William Finlay 1866 - 1872
Andrew Fleming 1865 - 1866
Charles Forrester 1868 - 1878
John Forrester 1867 - 1871, 1873 - 1874
Eddie Fox 1887 - 1895
Thomas Fox 1889
Ernest Francis 1881
Frederick Franks 1884 - 1888
William Franks 1887 - 1888
William Freeman 1865 - 1872, 1874 - 1876
Herbert Fry 1889 - 1896 *
William Gaggin 1867, 1869 - 1870, 1872
George Gair 1867
Charles Galletly 1876
Charlie Garton 1885 - 1886
Clive Gaunt 1892
Robert Gibson 1891 - 1892
Francis Gillett 1888
Frank Girdlestone 1894 - 1895
Ben Goldsmith 1868 - 1875
Bill Gorman 1866, 1869
Tom Gorman 1866
Harry Graham 1892, 1894 *
James Graham 1892 - 1894
William Greaves 1863
James Green 1865, 1867 - 1868
William Greig 1860 - 1861, 1864 - 1865
John Grice 1873
Ed Griffith 1885 - 1888, 1890 - 1891
Charles Grut 1859 - 1860, 1862
Harry Guy 1866 - 1867
Francis Hallett 1888
George Hallett 1886 - 1890
William Hallows 1890
William Hammersley 1859 - 1862, 1864 - 1865
Herbert Hammill 1864
Edward Harrison 1860
Ernest Harrison 1868 - 1871
Henry Harrison 1859 - 1861, 1863 - 1871
Horace Harrison 1867 - 1868
John Harvey 1889
Horace Hayes 1887, 1889
Frederick Haymes 1879
Charles Hayward 1864
Alf Healing 1889 - 1896 *
George Hebden 1872
Herbert Henty 1860
Tom Hepburn 1866 - 1874
Alfred Hill 1880 - 1882
Charlie Hillsden 1867 - 1868
Frank Hillsden 1866 - 1867
Walter Hobbs 1886
Matt Honey 1893
Adam Hope 1860 - 1863
George Hope 1881
Robert Hope 1869 - 1870
Tom Hope 1864 - 1865, 1868 - 1870
Walter Hopkins 1876 - 1877
James Horan 1866 - 1867
Tommy Horan 1874 - 1875
Dick Houston 1889
George Houston 1875 - 1879, 1881
Ernest Howes 1891 - 1894
Harry Hughes 1894 - 1896 *
John Huie 1871
Arthur Hunt 1885
Edward Hurst 1868
George Hurst 1868
William Hurst 1860, 1866 - 1868
Charles Ireland 1870 - 1874
de Courcey Ireland 1866 - 1867
James Ireland 1866 - 1867
Richard Ireland 1865 - 1868
Tom Ireland 1865 - 1868, 1871 - 1872
Douglas Irving 1896
Newton Jacomb 1859, 1864
Fred James 1880
Henry Jennings 1873 - 1875
Charles Jenvey 1874 - 1875, 1878 - 1879, 1881
Henry Jenvey 1877 - 1878
Jimmy Johnson 1886 - 1887
Waldron Johnston 1863, 1868
William Jones 1883 - 1884
Jack Keane 1893
Albert Kelly 1893
James Kelly 1885 - 1890
Richard Kelly 1888 - 1894
Thomas Kelly 1864
George Kennedy 1864 - 1867
Michael Kennedy 1896
Tom Kennedy 1889
Charles Kenworthy 1859 - 1862, 1864
Joe Kerrigan 1885 - 1886, 1889
Arthur King 1887 - 1889
Howard King 1887 - 1889
William King 1868
Frederick Kitz 1878
Billy Kneen 1874 - 1876
Peter Lacey 1884, 1886
Sam Lamrock 1878 - 1883
Philip Le Neveu 1879
Jack Leith 1896 *
John Lempriere 1892
Thomas Lempriere 1878 - 1880
Richard Lewers 1882 - 1884
Austin Lewis 1892 - 1896 *
Arthur Ley 1883
George Lidstone 1889
Ted Lockwood 1894
Arthur Longden 1878 - 1880
Edward Longden 1874 - 1882
Frank Longden 1882
Edward Lording 1888 - 1889
Jack Lorraine 1892
Andrew Loughnan 1869 - 1875
Austin Loughnan 1870 - 1875
Joseph Lush 1877
Eyre Lynar 1885 - 1890
Alfred May 1859 - 1862
James Macdonald 1875 - 1877, 1880
John Macdonald 1876 - 1884
Murray MacGregor 1883 - 1884
Eneas MacKenzie 1862
Junius MacKenzie 1862
Roderick MacKenzie 1859 - 1860
Conway MacKnight 1882
James Macpherson 1860 - 1862, 1864 - 1866
Frank Macoboy 1872
Edward Manifold 1886
William Manifold 1880 - 1881
Frederick Marsden 1868, 1871
George Marshall 1860 - 1861
Theophilis Marshall 1860, 1865 - 1866
William Martyr 1864
Charlie Matthews 1884
Lew Massey 1890 - 1896 *
William McAlister 1884 - 1885
James McCarthy 1889
Jim McCarthy 1894 - 1896
Tom McCarthy 1865
Bill McCulloch 1895 - 1896 *
Martin McDonnell 1887
Fred McGinis 1894 - 1896 *
John McGowan 1888
Archie McIntyre 1882 - 1884
Bill McClelland 1894 *
Coiler McCracken 1868 - 1869, 1871 - 1873
Alexander McCrae 1859
George McCrae 1859
Robert McCubbin 1893
Thomas McGuigan 1877
Jim McKean 1889 - 1890
Alfred McKie 1878 - 1880
Jim McKie 1876 - 1882
Alex McKenzie 1888 - 1889, 1891 - 1896
Murdoch McKenzie 1879 - 1885, 1887
Hugh McLean 1890
Donald McLeod 1881
Robert McLeod ?
John McNamara 1893, 1896
John McNaughton 1864
Jim McRaile 1891 - 1893
George Metcalfe 1864
Archibald Michie 1866
Percival Millard 1886 - 1887
Henry Mitchell 1895 - 1896 *
George Moodie 1894 - 1896 *
Joseph Moody 1867 - 1868
Edward Montgomery 1859 - 1860
Bob Moore 1892 - 1896*
Stephen Morrell 1867, 1870 - 1872
James Morris 1881 - 1884
Maesmore Morris 1887
Howard Morrison 1882, 1884 - 1886, 1888 - 1889
Robert Morrison 1859 - 1861
Teddy Mortimer 1859
Ernest Mountjoy 1896
George Moysey 1893 - 1896 *
Alex Munro 1877
Alexander Murphy 1864 - 1865
Dana Murphy 1882 - 1883, 1886 - 1888
Ed Murphy 1883 - 1884
Hugh Murray 1860, 1865
Robert Murray 1879
Thomas Murray 1860, 1862
Thomas Nash 1880, 1882
Nathaniel Neal 1865 - 1866
Arthur Neale 1890
Utar Nicholas 1875 - 1879
George Nichols 1860 - 1864, 1866
Rupert Nicholson 1882
Amos Norcott 1873
Henry Oakley 1879, 1881
Harry O'Bern 1886
Mathew O'Brien 1864 - 1865
Orlando O'Brien 1867
Patrick O'Dea 1892 - 1895
George O'Dwyer 1894 - 1896
James O'Halloran 1893 - 1896
Patrick O'Loughlin 1891 - 1896
George O'Mullane 1860, 1862, 1864 - 1865
Frederick O'Rourke 1890
Alexander Ogilvy 1864
David Ogilvy 1860, 1865 - 1866, 1868
James Ogilvy 1859, 1864 - 1865
George Oldham 1894
Alexander Oliver Unknown
Andrew Oliver 1880
Harry Orwin 1889 - 1890
John Oswald 1867
Charles Over 1896
Fred Page 1876 - 1878
William Perraton 1864 - 1866, 1870
George Pilley 1881 - 1883
Robert Pinnock 1864 - 1865
Fred Pitcher 1881 - 1882
Billy Plant 1886
Fred Plant 1882 - 1888
Fred Pohlman 1883 - 1884
James Powell 1896
Charles Power 1881 - 1883
Frank Power 1879 - 1882
Herb Power 1881 - 1883
Thomas Power 1881
Fred Prior 1890
Robert Ramsay 1890, 1892
George Ramsden 1896
Dave Rannard 1881 - 1883
William Reeve 1876 - 1877
Ted Reynolds 1888
John Rickards 1883
William Riggall 1865 - 1866, 1868 - 1872
Frank Rivers 1888
Walter Roberts 1880 - 1881
James Robertson 1881 - 1882
Augustus Robinson 1868
Bert Robinson 1896 *
Dick Robinson 1882 - 1883, 1885 - 1887
Mick Roche 1893 - 1895
Hugh Ross 1876 - 1878
Charles Rosser 1881
John Rosser 1881
Arthur Rusden 1888
Henry Rush 1883 - 1885
William Rushton 1886
John Russell 1861
Henry Ryan 1869 - 1875
George Rylah 1879
Albert Salkeld 1895
Alexander Salton 1891 - 1892
Henry Samson 1874 - 1875
Will Sandilands 1877 - 1879
William Schutt 1888
George Scott 1875
Percy Serjeant 1875 - 1878, 1880
Thomas Serrell 1865 - 1866, 1869 - 1870
Stephen Seward 1871, 1877
William Sharp 1891 - 1892, 1895
Fred Sheahan 1889 - 1890, 1892 - 1896 *
Gerald Sheahan 1893 - 1894 *
Charles Sherard 1877 - 1879
John Shiels 1860 - 1866
Eddie Sholl 1894 - 1896 *
George Shoosmith 1861 - 1862, 1864 - 1865
Bob Sibley 1880 - 1881
Bob Sillett 1874 - 1882
Bob Simson 1878 - 1881
George Slattery 1889 - 1892
Henry Smith 1864
Henry Smith 1887
Mark Smith 1860, 1865
Murray Smith 1865
Robert Smith 1861, 1863, 1865
Thomas Smith 1859 - 1862, 1864 - 1865
William Smith 1889 - 1891
Charles Spooner 1884 - 1889
Fred Stephen 1877 - 1878
Billy Stiffe 1881 - 1884, 1887
James Stodart 1867 - 1871
George Strachan 1883 - 1889
Edward Strahan 1884
William Stranger 1893 - 1894
Wally Steele 1896 *
Eugene Stephens 1864, 1866 - 1867
Francis Strickland 1874 - 1875
Fred Strickland 1896
Ted Strahan 1889
Percy Stubbs 1884 - 1885
Louis Stypman 1861
Louis Suhard 1877
John Sutton 1861
Ned Sutton 1895 - 1896 *
John Swallow 1881
Archibald Swannie 1895
Charles Swyer 1879 - 1881
Herbert Syme 1881 - 1882
George Tait 1860 - 1861, 1863 - 1864
John Tennent 1878
Sam Thewlis 1881 - 1884
Walter Thomas 1864 - 1865, 1867 - 1874
Henry Thompson 1860 - 1861
James Thompson 1859 - 1860, 1864
Alfred Toll 1894
Eddie Toms 1890 - 1891, 1893, 1895
Edwin Towle 1869 - 1875
John Treacy 1864
Richard Treacy 1865 - 1866
Harry Trowbridge 1889
Frederick Tuckfield 1884
Herbert Tuckfield 1884 - 1887
John Ulbrick 1882 - 1883
Henry Upton 1879
Frank Waldron 1878 - 1879
Peter Wallace 1888
Ben Wardill 1862, 1864 - 1865
Dick Wardill 1893 - 1896 *
Richard Wardill 1859 - 1867
Charles Watson 1895 - 1896
George Watson 1873 - 1875, 1877
John Watson 1858
John Watson 1880 - 1882
George Waugh 1866 - 1877
Robert Waugh 1860, 1866 - 1867
Horatio Webb 1877 - 1878
Robert Webb 1860
Fred Wedd 1881
Charles Wheatland 1873 - 1875
Thomas Whyte 1866 - 1867
Daniel Wilke 1864 - 1865
James Wilke 1864 - 1865
Charles Willan 1872
Owen Williams 1870 - 1871, 1875
Billy Williams 1865
William Williams 1859
Egbert Wills 1864, 1878
Horace Wills 1864, 1872
Tom Wills 1859 - 1860, 1864 - 1865, 1872
James Wilson 1881 - 1883
Joe Wilson 1890 - 1896
Samuel Wilson 1874, 1876
John Wiseman 1887 - 1888, 1891 - 1894, 1896
Henry Woolley 1860 - 1862, 1865 - 1867
Sydney Woolley 1859 - 1863
Thomas Wray 1859 - 1860, 1864
James Wright 1865, 1867
Arthur Young 1880
Charles Young 1893

Unknown players

Some names may have been spelling errors by the newspapers of the day, or players of the same surname who played in close proximity to each other. Names may also be of committeemen who didn't play. Career dates are indicative only.

See also Unknown Players 1890s-1920s for all post-VFA players who are not fully identified.


G. Abbott 1859, 1861 Not an MCC member
Airey 1860
W. Aitken 1864-1866 From Castlemaine. Also played for Royal Park in 1865. Returned from Castlemaine in 1874
T. Baker 1860-61Also played for South Yarra in 1860.
Bald/Bold 1867 In the selected side in September but did not play
Ballantyne 1865 A Ballantyne also played for Royal Park in the same year
R. Barker 1864
W. Barker 1864, 1866
Barnes 1868
Bertenshaw/Burtinshaw 1869
Blackett 1864
F. Brown 1862 Possibly the same as G Brown
G. Brown 1862, 1864 Possibly the same as F. Brown
Butt 1864
Jas Byrne 1870 Possibly the same as the 1886 Jas Byrne.
C. Barass 1868 Probably Charles Barrass.
Barfoot 1867 Possibly the C. Barfoot who played for Albert Park in 1869. Possibly Wilton Barfoot
Barber 1866
Barnes 1868
Benford 1868 Probably the same as the 1868 Bruford
J. Bennie 1865-1868 Probably John Bennie
Bird 1860
Birkmire 1864 A "Birkmyre" played for South Yarra in 1866
FH Bruford 1865-70 Probably the same as the 1868 Burford, the 1868 Benford or the 1862 from Geelong. Probably Fred H Bruford.
Butt 1864
HA Bryant 1860
Byrne 1866-67
Cahill 1864
D. Cameron 1861
Cameron 1864
C. Campbell 1864
H. Carr 1868
C. Carter 1861Sometimes shown as G. Carter
JA Clarke 1868, 1870Also played with Carlton 1865 - 1866. Possibly Jim Clark.
Cock 1864
Collis 1864
W. Conway 1860-1861 Not John Conway
Combe 1864
Copeland 1867-68
R. Cooper 1860, 1864Also played for South Yarra in 1860.
W. Darke 1865 From Melbourne Grammar
Davison 1865 Separate to Davidson
Davison 1867 Possibly the same as the 1865 Davison
Davidson 1865-66 Separate to Davison
Deane 1862
Delahey 1865 At University 1860 and 1864-1865
Dinwoodie 1864, 1866
E. Disher 1868 Played for Emerald Hill in 1867 and South Yarra 1866 to 1868.
W. Doherty 1860-61
J. Dowling 1863
J. Dowling 1871, 1874-1875
W. Downes 1864-1865
G. Elliott 1861
Emerson 1862
Fairbairn 1879 From Geelong
Fisher 1870, 1872
Fitzgerald 1868
Forrester 1863
WL Freame 1860, 1864Also played for Richmond in 1860 and 1861.
A. Gates 1866
Gorman 1865 One of a number of Gorman's who also played for Carlton
JJ Graham 1869 Second 20 secretary
BB Greene 1865 Also played for South Yarra 1859, 1864-1866 and 1871 and University
Haggett 1864
F. Haynes 1863
F. Haynes 1874
ES Harley 1864
J. Heath 1861Also played for Richmond in 1861.
J. Henderson 1859
Henderson 1870
HC Hepburn 1867
Hetherington 1867
J. Hewitt 1864, 1866
Hickling 1864
E. Hinton 1867-1869
H. Hodges 1864 From Melbourne Grammar. At University in 1865, 1868 and 1869.
Hodkinson/Hodgkinson 1860
P. Hodgkinson 1870
J. Holland 1867 Also played for University 1867-1868
Huy 1866
Ireland 1860
Ireland 1864-1865
F. Ireland 1867
J. James 1867
Jellett 1866
E. Jennings 1863
T. Leach 1868-1869
Levick 1865
LH Lewin 1870
Lightfoot 1860
Little 1865
Lobb 1865
Lock/Locke 1865-67Also played for Royal Park in 1863 and 1865
W. Lucas 1861-1862
Mack 1867 Also played for South Melbourne in 1867 and South Yarra in 1868
A. May 1859-1861
McLennan 1868-1872
McCormack 1864
C. McCracken 1868-1869, 1871-73 From Scotch College. Also played for University in 1869. Joined Essendon in 1874.
J. McGregor 1861
McIvor 1859 injured in 02/07/1859 practice match
T. McLaughlin 1867
C. McCracken 1865, 1868 Also played for University in both seasons
A. McPherson 1859
McPherson 1863 Possibly the same as A. McPherson 1859
S. Moodie 1868
T. Moody 1867-68 Possibly Joseph Moody
WA Moore 1859
Motherwell 1864
S. Murray 1865Also played for South Yarra in 1865
R. Murray 1859
Newman 1867
A. Norcott 1863 Not Amos Norcott
J. O'Brien 1865 Shown in scratch match squad. Possibly Mathew O'Brien
J. Oldham 1859 Also played for University in 1860 and 1861
Osborne 1864-65 Possibly Newton Osborne, also of Geelong
M. Pender 1863
A. Petrie 1861
M. Petrie 1860Also played for Richmond in 1860 and 1861
RS Petrie 1859, 1861 Not an MCC member in 1859
T. Petrie 1864
Petrie 1869 Possibly the 1877 Petrie. Possibly F. Petrie who played for Geelong in 1869 or Albert Park in 1870
Pope 1860
E. Powell 1864-65
K. Rayer 1861 Possibly the same as JW. Rayer
JW Rayer 1861 Probably the same as K. Rayer. Also played for Richmond in 1861.
R. Richardson 1864-65Also played for Carlton in 1865 and South Yarra in 1862 and 1865. Probab;y Robert Richardson
GB Robinson 1860
Roche 1868
JB Russell 1859, 1862 Not an MCC member in 1859. Also played for Richmond in 1860. Not John Russell.
MP Ryan 1861 Possibly the same Ryan from 1867. Also played for Richmond in 1861.
Ryan 1867-70 Possibly the same Ryan from 1861. Possibly Henry Ryan in 1869 and 1870.
Scott 1866 Probably the GH Scott also said to be have been involved at Carlton
Shepherd/Shephard 1859-1860 Not an MCC member
T. Shiels 1861 Possibly same as J. Shiels
E. Snodgrass 1866 From South Yarra
E. Stodart 1866
Stevens 1867
Stewart 1870
J. Sullivan 1868
P. Sullivan 1867, 1870
TW Sutton 1861 Possibly John Sutton
W. Symonds 1864
Thompson 1862 Possibly H Thompson
W. Thompson 1860
Thompson 1882 Recruit from Sandhurst, signed immediately after playing in a practice game
Toohey 1865Also played for Royal Park in 1864 and 1865
P. Treacy 1865, 1870-1872May have been John Treacy
Trickett 1864
BW Wardill 1865 Not Ben Wardill
Waugh 1865 Possibly George Waugh or Robert Waugh
H. Webb 1864
W. Webb 1859 Probably Robert Webb from 1859
Welch/Welsh 1861-1862
H. White 1865
Whitelaw 1869
Wildman 1869
Williams 1868
P. Wills 1864
Wilson 1866
J Woolley 1860
MK Woolley 1865
Woolley 1864
J. Wright 1872, 1875


Adams 1878 Second 20
Anderson 1873-1874 From Geelong during 1873
O. Anderson 1878 Second 20
Anthony 1878 Two Anthonys played. One may have been the T. Anthony from 1877.
Anthony 1878 Two Anthonys played
Baker 1874 Probably Charles Baker or Fred Baker
Barlow 1877-1878 Second 20
Barnes 1877
Beckwith 1879 Second 20 in 1879
Beckerfield 1877-78 Second 20
Beckerfield 1877-78 Second 20. Two Beckfields played in the same Second 20 team.
J. Bell Second 20
Birtwhistle 1878 Second 20
Blair 1873, 1876
Boyd 1876 May have been James Boyd
Brodie 1877 Second 20
Brown 1878 Second 20
Campbell 1873
Carr 1874 Possibly the Charles Carr or Robert Carr from 1869 or 1877. Maybe Robert Carr
Carr 1877 Noted as having left the colony at the end of the year. Maybe Robert Carr or Charles Carr
Cauley 1875 Second 20
Chapman 1877
Charles 1873
J. Chuck 1880
Clendinning 1881 From Toorak
W. Cook 1878 Probably Ted Cooke
J. Cooper 1877-1878 From Carlton/Albert Park (1877)/Carlton Imperial (1877). Retired at end 1878
Corrigan 1872-1873
F. Cousens 1880 Second 20
Crooke 1878
Crosby 1875 Second 20
G. Cullen 1874-1877
Darlot 1878 Second 20
Dillon 1876
Dismorr 1875 Second 20
Donaldson 1878
Douglas 1877
J. Dowling 1875
Downes 1879 Brother of Harry Downes.
Dunstone 1878 Second 20
England 1875 Two Englands played in 1875, one was in the Second 20only
T. Fairbairn 1879 From Geelong Grammar/Geelong
Flynn 1879
Ford 1873 President
S. Forrester 1872
M. Fowler 1874
C. Franks 1880
Fraser 1877
Fuller 1872 From Ballarat
N. Fullarton 1877 From Carlton Imperial
Fullarton 1878 Second 20. Probably the 1877 Fullarton
Gardiner 1877
WF Gilchrist 1877, 1879 Also played Second 20 in 1877. From Clifton. Returned there in 1878 then returned to Melbourne
F. Gilchrist 1878 Second 20
A. Gilchrist 1878 Second 20
Gillett 1874
Gleeson 1888 To Fitzroy in 1889
Glendinnen 1881 Recruit from Toorak
Glendinning 1877 Second 20 in 1877
Goer 1878 Possibly Carlton's William Goer mistakenly listed as a Melbourne player.
P. Goldsmith 1874-1877 Possibly the same as Louis Goldsmith or Peter
Gordon 1875 Second 20
ED Gourlay 1871 Also played for South Yarra in 1871.
Graham 1875 Second 20
Graham 1877-1878 Possibly the JJ Graham who was Second 20 secretary in 1869. Second 20.
JCH. Graves 1880 From East Melbourne
Green 1878 Possibly the same as James Green
Gregg 1877
R. Hamilton 1881-83
T. Hamilton 1891 Probably the same as R Hamilton
H. Hamill 1873-76 Probably not Herbert Hammill
D. Harrison 1879
Heath 1883 Second 20
Hender 1875 Second 20
AM Henderson 1878
Henderson 1879 Second 20
W. Henderson 1880, 1882-1883 Moved to Queensland in 1881
Henry 1878
J. Hill 1880
A. Hopkins 1880 From St Kilda/Toorak. Moved to Queensland in 1881
Houston 1872
A. Houston 1877-1878, 1880. May be the same as George Houston
Hyne 1872
Inglis 1873
Irons 1874-1875, 1877-78 Second 20 in 1875 and 1877/78
F. James 1880 From Essendon. Returned there during the season
J. Johnson 1874-1877 From Wesley College. To Sale in 1878, joined West Melbourne in 1879 and stayed there to end 1880.
Johnson 1878Joined Sale in 1879
Kelleher 1877-78 Second 20
Kelly 1877
Kemp 1872
Kerrigan 1878 Probably one of the Kerrigans who played in the 1880s.
Kinnear 1878 Second 20
Kirkpatrick 1883 Second 20
Landon 1875
Lawrence 1875 Second 20
Loughnane 1876 Not Austin Loughnan
J. Lucas 1879-1880 From Scotch College/Clifton Also Second 20 in 1879. Played in an 1898 old players game.
Macarthur 1874
Macaw 1875 Second 20
Marks 1873
Martin 1875
R. Marshall 1874-1875 From Elwood
W. Mathieson 1879 Likely also had a brother at the club
McGrath 1877-78Second 20 in 1878
McArthur 1874
McEwan 1878 Second 20
McFarlane 1877 Second 20
McFie 1877 Second 20
McKenzie 1878 Second 20
J. McKenzie 1880 Possibly Alex McKenzie or the McKenzie from 1879
McLean 1878 Second 20
G. Meader 1880 From Hawthorn
W. Miller 1873-1874 Known as "Professor". Also played for Albert Park from 1869 to 1872.
P. Miller 1877 Second 20 in 1877
W. Moffatt 1876-1877 Left the colony in early 1878 and resigned his position as treasurer
Montgomery 1875 Second 20
McGonigal 1872
Moody 1878 Second 20
Moore 1873-1874 May have also played for St Kilda
Muir 1878 Second 20
Munro 1875 Two Munros played in the Second 20
A. Munro 1877 From Toorak
Murray 1878 Second 20
Nash 1882 Possibly F or T Nash. Retired at the end of the season.
F. Nash 1878, 1880
E. Nicholas 1883
Norcott 1875 Second 20. Probably not Amos Norcott
Norman 1873-1875 Second 20 in 1875
Norman 1878
H. Oakley 1879 From St Kilda. Also played for University in 1879.
Oliver 1873-1874 Probably Alexander Oliver
Oswald 1877 Second 20 in 1877
G. Page 1878 Moved to Wellington, New Zealand in 1879
P. Page 1878
M. Pender 1872
Percival 1877
TD Petrie 1877
Power 1877
Ray 1875 Second 20
T. Reade 1873
Robbin/Robin 1878 Second 20
Robertson 1878 Possibly the same as the 1882 Robertson
Samuels 1877-78 Second 20
E. Scott 1874-1876
Scott 1877 Second 20 in 1877
Sergeant 1875 From University
G. Searcey/Searcy 1875 A non-playing club member who filled in during the July 1875 Match vs Albert Park when the club was unable to field a full side
Slight 1878-79 Umpire in 1879. Photo uploaded. Might not have played for Melbourne and been the Albert Park Slight from 1878. May have only played 1878.
E Smart 1879 From Scotch College/Kew. Possibly the same as the 1880 E.Smart.
EA Smart 1880 From Kew High School. Retired end 1880
Smith 1877 Second 20 in 1877
Snowden 1879
Stoddart 1878 Second 20
Stokes 1874-1875 Defender
CH Swanson/Swanston 1877-1879 Second 20 in 1877/78
E Silvester/Sylvester 1880 From Hamilton
J. Tennent 1878
Traynor 1878
Trickett 1875
Turner 1878 Second 20
Vage 1877
F. Webb 1877
C. Williams 1872-73
W. Williams 1871, 1873-1876
H. Williams 1877


Aitken 1882-84 Possibly Dave Aitken in 1882. An Aitken played Second 20 in 1883.
G. Allan 1882 Second 20. Possibly same as the 1883 Allen.
JC Allen 1883 Second 20 secretary
Anthony 1883 Possibly H. Anthony
Arthur 1889
Ashmore 1883 Second 20
Atkin 1881 Possibly D. Atken
Avery 1889
WH Bailey 1881From Hawthorn Grammar School. Described as a "Grand mark and kick"
Bain 1889-1890
S. Baird 1885-87 Left the colony in June 1887. Forward. May have returned from Queensland in 1889.
Barfoot 1886
H. Barker 1888From South Williamstown. To Williamstown in June
Barnard 1882-1883
Barry 1885
J. Begg 1884 From Sandridge. One Begg went to Rochester, then Port Melbourne in 1893
W. Begg 1884From Sandridge
Bell 1885
Bellin 1885 Pre-season player from South Yarra. Possibly the same as Bell.
A. Bennie 1881 Probably Alexander Bennie
GH Benson 1888-1889 From Ballarat
J. Benson 1889, 1891 From Coburg. Back to Coburg in 1890.
Biers 1890
Birtwhistle 1882 Played pre-season. Probably the same as the 1878 Birtwhistles.
Black 1884
Blair 1889
Bogle 1890 From Port Melbourne
Bower 1883 From Collingwood Imperial/East Melbourne. Sometimes called Bowen.
Boys (x2) 1886 Second 20. Almost certainly Robert and William Boys
G. Brayshay 1886 University player who played on Tasmanian tour.
Bridges 1890
G. Brooks 1888 Mentioned during the year. Probably the same as J. Brooks or Eddie Brooks
J. Brooks 1887-1888From South Ballarat late in 1887. Also played in the Second 20 the next year
Broughton 1882 From Geelong
R. Brown 1885-89From South Melbourne Juniors. To Tasmania in 1890.
Brumley 1890
Buick 1884From East Melbourne/South Yarra
A. Burkin 1887
BR Buscombe 1886 [ 1886 From Kyneton
Callan 1882 Second Twenty
T. Carah 1888-89 Toured Brisbane
J. Carah 1888
J. Carroll 1885 From Richmond Union
Carroll 1888 Second 20
Carroll 1889 From another club. Played one game.
C. Carter 1885From Carlton during year. Back at Carlton in 1886. Probab;y Charles Carter
B. Champion 1883-84
Christian 1886 Second 20
Clarke 1889
Cleary 1886 Pre-season recruit from Hobart
R. Clough 1890From Brunswick
Cohen 1883 Second 20
N. Cohen 1889-1890 From Scotch College
Collas 1888 Second 20
Collis 1883, 1886 Second 20
A. Conroy 1881
Comber 1888-1889
Constable 1886 Second 20
Corben 1883 From Northcote. Second 20.
Cording 1888 Toured Brisbane
Costelloe 1885
Cotter 1883 Second 20
G. Cragg 1884
Crooks 1888 Toured Brisbane
P. Cunningham 1883 From Toorak
Cutler 1884 Second 20
Dally 1883 Second 20. Possibly Dalby
Darcy 1890
Davies/Davis 1890 From University. Also played for University during 1890
Davis 1886 Second 20
Davis 1888 Second 20
De Olivera 1889 From North Park
Denis 1885-86 Second 20
Denis 1886 Two Dennis' played in Second 20
Dennis 1886, 1888 Second 20 - Probably the same as Denis
Diamond 1886 Second 20
T. Dickson/Dickeson 1886From South Melbourne where he played 1885 - 1887
Dobson 1888 Second 20. Possibly ((James Dobson)
T. Dodds 1886-87 From South Melbourne in late 1886. Had been there for two years. Played in an 1898 old players game. Forward.
A. Doherty 1889Joined in June
Donald 1884 Second 20
Donald 1889 From 'Juniors'
J. Doran 1883-85 Played with Carlton from around 1881 and joined Melbourne Second 20 in 1883. Promoted to seniors in 1884 but also played some S20 games. Photo uploaded
Douglas 1883 Second 20. Possibly Archibald Douglas
Dow 1882 Two Dows played
Dow 1882
Dowdle 1883 Second 20
W. Downes 1881
J. Drood 1889
Duckett 1883 May have been an Essendon player mistakenly attributed to Melbourne
Duncan 1882-83 Also played second 20 in 1883. Possibly the Jim Duncan in this article
Dunn 1883 From East Melbourne. May have gone to Essendon instead.
Eggleston 1887
J. Elliott 1886
T. Elliott 1886To Fitzroy in 1887. Probably Tom
Evans 1890
FP Everitt/Everett 1887 From Adelaide
W. Farrell 1889
Fatt 1888 Second 20
Feehan 1882
Ferguson 1886 Second 20
Ferguson 1888 From Scotch College/Essendon
Ferrier 1891 From Warrnambool
Finlay 1885-86 Second 20. May have only played seniors in 1886.
E. Firebrace 1889 From Scotch College and University. To Perth in 1890, then to South Melbourne in 1891 for one season.
G. Fletcher 1881
Foote 1885
J. Freeman 1889
Fremantle 1886 Second 20
Froude 1887
J. Garton 1887-1889 From Clifton. Not Charlie Garton. Possibly James Garton.
Ginty 1882 Pre-season recruit from St Patrick's College
Gooch 1886 Second 20
Graham 1883 Second 20
Greenhill 1888
Gregory 1883 From Benalla. Second 20
Grimlington 1888 From Creswick
Graham 1883 Second 20
EH Griffiths 1882 Returned from another club in 1882. From Clifton.
V. Griffiths 1885-88 Possibly related to EH Griffiths. Photo uploaded. Half forward. Left the colony at the end of 1888.
Halford 1883 Second 20
F. Hallett 1886 Possibly George Hallett or Francis Hallett
Hall 1891 From Castlemaine. Possibly another player under an assumed name.
Hannon 1888 Second 20
Harford 1883 Second 20
N. Harper 1887-1888
H. Harper 1888-1889, 1891N and H Harper may have been the same man
Harver 1886 Second 20
WC Harry 1884-85 From Northcote Played in an 1898 old players game. Photo uploaded. To Fitzroy during 1885 and played one season.Defender
Harvey 1885 Second 20
Hatton 1890 From Queensland
Healy 1883 Second 20
Henry 1886
Hipson/Hopson 1884 From North Park, Ballarat or Star of Carlton
Hope 1889 from Essendon
F. Houston 1883 Second 20
Houston 1886 Second 20
Howard 1888
Howie 1890 From North Melbourne where he played in 1888.
Hubbard 1885-1886, 1888 Second 20
D. Huggins 1888
Humphries 1890
Hutton 1890 Cricketer from Queensland. Possibly Ernest Hutton.
Hyland 1885
F. James 1890 From Geelong
Jarrett 1890
Jenvey 1887 Named Melbourne's VFA delegate in September 1877
Johnson 1883 Second 20
H. Johnson 1885-1887
W. Johnson 1886
Johnstone 1885 Second 20
Jones 1890-1891
Julian 1890
Kelly 1886 Second 20.
Keogh 1888
Kerr 1885
Kerrigan 1883 Second 20. Three brothers. One likely Joe Kerrigan
Kerrigan 1883 Second 20. Three brothers.
Kerrigan 1883 Second 20. Three brothers.
E. Kitchen 1886 Pre-season recruit from South Melbourne
Lander 1889
Langton 1885 From East Melbourne
G. Langridge 1889 From Brunswick
Learmonth 1880 Recruit from Hamilton. Did not play seniors.
HF Lawrence 1881-1882From Scotch College
M. Lemon 1889
Leslie 1891
E. Lindsay 1887 From Fitzroy but rejoined them in July
B. Longden 1878-1879 Played in Sydney in 1883. Possibly the same as Edward Longden
Lorimer 1882 Second 20
JW Low/Lowe 1883-84 Photo uploaded. Forward promoted from Second 20 for 1884. From Carlton/Geelong. Blueseum profile. Played in an 1898 old players game.
S. Lynar 1886 Second 20
H. Lynar 1886 Second 20
F. Lyons 1886 From Ballarat
J Macdonald 1886 Secretary Probably John Macdonald
Macgregor 1883-85 Second 20. Possibly John McGregor or Murray MacGregor. From East Melbourne or EM McGregor shown in the 1884 team photo. Photos of both uploaded. A 'McGregor' Played in an 1898 old players game.
Mackin 1882 Second 20 A second Mackin may have also played, this one was was referred to as "junior"
Madden 1888
Main 1888 Second 20
Manderson 1881 From West Melbourne. Didn't play seniors. Likely the Manderson who played that year at East Melbourne.
Mansfield1883 Second 20
McGibbon 1882
Marshall 1883 Second 20. A Marshall is said to have crossed from Powlett in 1881 and remained until 1887.
Marshall 1885 From South Melbourne. Not the 1883 Marshall
Marshall 1886 Second 20
Mason 1883 Second 20. Probably the Mason referred to in this article. Later worked in the Postmaster General department.
Mathieson/Matheson 1889
McArthur 1889
McCandlish 1886 Pre-season recruit
McCann 1889
McCormick 1890
AW McCrindle 1885-1888Follower. May have also played with South Melbourne
McDonald 1884 Second 20. A McDonald also played for the senior team.
J. McDonald 1885, 1887-1888 Committee in 1885. Probably John Macdonald
McDonald 1888 Second 20 captain
McDonald 1887 From Ballarat. Possibly the J. McDonald above in his last two seasons.
McEachern 1886
J. McGrath 1889From Norwood (SA)
McHunt 1890 VFA delegate
McKay 1883 Second 20
J. McKennal 1882 Second 20
R. McKinley 1889
McKinna 1882 Second 20
McKinnon 1890 From Geelong Grammar. Forward.
McKnight 1883 Second 20
McKnight 1888 Second 20
McLaren 1888
McLennan 1882
McNamara 1888 Second 20. Joined Williamstown in 1890.
Marks 1882
Macknight 1882 Second 20.
McAlister 1884 Seconds player, possibly same as "Fatty" McAlister
A. McCrindle 1885-88 From South Melbourne
McDonald 1882 Probably James Macdonald or John Macdonald
M. McDonald 1890 From Union Jack. At North Melbourne in 1893. Photo uploaded
McDonnell 1881
McDougall 1883 Second 20
McGivern 1880, 1883 Second 20 in 1883
McKinnon 1890
McKnight 1883 Second 20
McLellan 1882
McLeod 1882 From the country
McLeod 1886-1888 Not sure if he played every season in this time
G McLeod 1890-1891 From South Yarra Rovers/To St Kilda in 1894. Photo uploaded.
McPhee 1886
G. Meader 1880
Merchant 1884
Miller 1891-1892 To Richmond 1892,
Minchin 1882-1886 Possibly Matthew Minchin.
Minogue 1882 Pre-season recruit from Kyneton
Mitchell 1885 From South Melbourne where he played 1884.
Mitchell 1886 Second 20
H. Mitchell 1889
Mitchell 1889-1890 Two different Mitchells played in 1889, either could have been the same from 1885
W. Moffatt 1880
Moloney 1890 From St Kilda
W. Morgan 1886
A. Morris 1882-1883 Possibly the same as the 1881 Morris. Committee in 1885. Missed the start of the 1884 season.
Morris 1886 Second 20
JJ Morris 1887
A. Morrison 1886 Pre-season recruit from Geelong
Morton 1886 Second 20. Possibly the Morton who lived in Sydney in 1928
W. Moss 1883-1885
D. Moyes 1891 From Fitzroy 1889-1890
Mouritz 1886
Muir 1886 Second 20
Mullen 1889
Munro 1889
B. Murphy 1881-1883
J. Murphy 1886
Murphy 1891
Newton 1885 From Brunswick
RB Nicholson 1882 Brother of Rupert Nicholson
Nicholson 1882 Second 20
K. Nicholson 1886 Described as an Old Melbourne player
E. Nicholas 1883 Recruit
H. Nixon 1889Joined in June
Nolan 1886
Nolans 1889 From St Patrick's
W. Nuttall 1885-86 From Star of Carlton also shown as from Waverley. Second 20. Also played for Hotham and Richmond in 1886.
J. Nuttall 1889
A. Neill 1890 From University. Also played for University during 1890
O'Shannessey 1886
Osborne 1882
Parry 1888From Brunswick
P. Parsons 1886-1889 Second 20 only in 1885
Parsons 1888 A second Parsons played Second 20 in 1886 and 1888
Patterson 1883 Sometimes called Paterson. Left after the season.
Pearson 1883 Second 20
Payne 1888 Second 20
W. Pettigrew 1881Second 20
Pip 1883
Plant/Plank1888 Probably Fred Plant
Porter 1883
Prentice 1889
Preston 1883 Second 20
Price 1883 Second 20
Propsting 1883-85 Forward. Formerly a Second 20 player.
Propsting 1886 Pre-season recruit from Hobart
Ramsay 1890-92 From University. Possibly Robert Ramsay, but there may have been more than one with the surname. A Ramsay also played for University during 1890
T. Rand 1886 Pre-season recruit from Evansdale
Reilly 1886 Second 20
Reade 1885
Ricketts 1883
W. Robertson 1882-1883
G. Robinson 1885
Robinson 1886 Second 20
Rock/Rocke 1890 From University. Also played with University in 1890
J. Roles 1890
M. Ross 1890From Geelong
W. Ross 1884-85 From Tasmania. Photo uploaded. Follower
Rowe 1881
P. Russell 1889From Juniors
Ryan 1886
Sadler 1889
Samuels 1882 Second 20
Scrivener 1885 Pre-season recruit
Seymour 1886-1887 from Evandsale
Shaw 1889-1890
Sherar/Shearer 1883 Second 20
Showers 1882 Played pre-season
EG Sloman 1882-83 Second 20 in 1883. Left after the season. From South Yarra. Played for University in 1886.
P. Sloman 1883 Possibly Sloman 1882-83
Sloman 1886 Described as an Old Melbourne player. Probably EG Sloman.
Smyth 1883 Second 20
Sorby 1886 Pre-season recruit, described as one of the 'best players at the Anglo-Australian game'
South 1889
Straughan/Staughton 1886 1886 Pre-season recruit from Kyneton.
Stanfield 1883 Second 20
Steel 1884
Stembel/Stimbel 1883 Second 20 and Second 20
Stewart 1883 Second 20
Stewart 1886-87 Second 20
Stiffe 1890 Not Billy Stiffe
Tallant 1886 Second 20
HB Taylor 1884-85 Second 20 in 1883. Photo uploaded. Wing
Taylor 1888 From North Park
Thompson 1882, 1884 From Sandhurst
T. Thompson 1887
J. Thompson/Thomson 1885 From Geelong
Trapp 1882-1883 1882 Second 20
Tindale/Tindall 1883 May have been an Essendon player mistakenly attributed to Melbourne. From East Melbourne.
Todd 1883 Two players named Todd were listed in the same game
Todd 1883 Two players named Todd were listed in the same game
Thomson 1889
Tregonning 1883 Second 20
Trengove 1888 Second 20
AS Tuckfield 1883 Sometimes called Tuckford. One of the Tuckfields played in an 1898 old players game. Photo uploaded. From East Melbourne 1880-1882.
B. Tuckfield 1884 Four brothers named Tuckfield played in 1884. Three in the seniors. From South Yarra
W. Tulloch 1889-1890From "Juniors'. Second 20 in 1890.
Vine 1890
Walker 1888
Walling 1885 From Adelaide
T. Walsh 1883 Second 20. At Carlton in 1881/82. Blueseum profile
T. Ward 1884 Possibly an official only. Photo uploaded
R. Wardrop 1886
Watsford 1885 Pre-season from Fitzroy
Watson 1881 From Geelong
Watt 1890 From Tasmania
Wheeler 1886 Described as an old Melbourne player
Whtiford 1885-1886 Second 20
Wicks 1883 From Northcote
J. Williams 1890 Nicknamed 'Rolls'. From Tasmania/Fitzroy in July. Had been at Fitzroy 1884-85 and 1890. Photo uploaded.
DM Willis 1885-86
H. Wilmott 1886-1887 Played in an 1898 old players game. Winger. Still described as 'of the MFC' in 1892.
Windebank 1888 Second 20
Woodman 1889-1890 Second 20 in 1890
Young 1886


Barr 1892
J. Bedford 1895 From Abbotsford. Probably the brother of Alfred Bedford
N. Bennett 1894From Brighton Juniors - returned June
Beveridge 1890 Second 20
Boyes 1892, 1894 Second 20 in 1894.
Bragge 1890 Second 20
Brookes 1890 Second 20
Bruce 1895 Private school player
Byers 1894
Caffrey 1893-95 From from Wesley Collegians. Probably didn't play seniors.
Colles 1890 Second 20
W. Cornish 1895
Cox 1894
Crosby/Crosbie 1893 From Alberton. Hurt his knee against Williamstown and retired.
Dunning 1891 From Port Melbourne
Edmonson 1896 Forward. Probably didn't play seniors.
J. Edwards 1893 From Brighton Juniors. Possibly Jack Edwards
Espley 1894
Foley 1890 Second 20
Gibson 1896 Likely an assumed name for Ned Sutton
Goodwin 1892
Grey 1890 Second 20
Halesgrove 1890 Second 20
Hyam 1890 Second 20
Hyam 1890 Second 20
Hall 1896 Likely another player under an assumed name
Hanson 1890 Second 20
Harrison 1892
Hobbes/Hobbs 1895-96
JE Hogan 1894-95 Source. Photo uploaded. From Wesley College
Hurst 1890 Second 20
James 1890 Second 20
Jordan 1890 Second 20
Kay 1890 Second 20
Kean/Keane 1893
Keogh 1892 From Fitzroy
Kerrigan 1890 Second 20
Launder 1894
Letty 1890 Second 20
Lewers 1893 Recruit
Lynar 1892 Possibly Eyre Lynar
Mahon 1890 Second 20
Mailer 1892
Marshman 1892
McGuigan 1890 Second 20
AA McKenzie 1892-93 Possibly Alex McKenzie. Not related to AH McKenzie. May have been Second 20 only.
AH McKenzie 1892-93 From Fitzroy. Possibly Alex McKenzie. The younger of the two 1892-93 McKenzies was brother to M. McKenzie.
%22Bricky%22 McKenzie 1893 Not clear which McKenzie
P. Manchester 1895From Footscray
McGregor 1896 Half-forward Melbourne Juniors">Fitzroy Juniors.To South Melbourne in May 1896
Cocran/Cochrane . Probably didn't play seniors.
AH McKenzie 1892 From Fitzroy
B. McKenzie 1893
McKenzie 1891 Possibly McKenzie 1895
McKenzie 1895 Possibly McKenzie 1891
McLellan 1894 Shown as from Melbourne/Brighton Grammar
McCaffrey 1895 To South Melbourne
McDonough 1890 Second 20
McGillicuddy 1890 Second 20
Meagher 1893-94 From Alberton. May not have played seniors in 1894.
W. Milne 1895 From Geelong Grammar. Two goals on debut against Norwood. Suspended for the rest of the season for offensive language towards an umpire after a July match against Fitzroy
Molineux 1890 Second 20
Moody 1894 Ruckman from Napier. Possibly George Moodie.
Moore 1891 From Benalla. Not the 1892 Moore
Morris 1890 Second 20
Muir 1891 From Port Melbourne
Newstead1892 Toured Adelaide
O'Connor 1895
W. O'Leary 1893 From Fitzroy Juniors
Patten 1894
Pierce 1892
Polloch 1896 Forward from West Melbourne Juniors. Probably didn't play seniors.
J. Powell 1892Unlikely to be the 1896 Powell.
Powell 1893 Possibly the 1892 J. Powell. From Rainbow.
Raling 1896 Toured Tasmania. Possibly misspelt or didn't play seniors.
Reilly 1890 Second 20
Richards 1890 Second 20
Russell 1894
Salkeld 1894-95 Not Albert Salkeld. Two Salkelds played in 1894. Photo uploaded
Severs 1893 From Queen's College
Sheehan 1890 Second 20
Sheppard 1890 Second 20
A. Smith 1892 Secretary
W. Smith 1893-96 Forward/goal-sneak from Tasmania. May be William Smith.
Streetman 1896 Toured Tasmania. Probably didn't play seniors.
Strong 1892 Ex-Carlton backman. Almost certainly Bob Strong.
Sweeney 1894
Taylor 1890 Second 20
Thompson 1890 Second 20
Thompson 1894
Thompson 1896From South St Kilda. Probably the same as the 1897 Thompson.
Tulloch 1894
Tyler 1890 Second 20
Ward 1891 From Port Melbourne
Wright 1890 Second 20
C. Young 1893 Probably Charlie Young. From South St Kilda


John Beaumont ? Shown as an ex-player in an 1888 article
Jim Coles Ex-Richmond player shown as some sources as ex-MFC when he died in 1890
Douglas ? Played in an 1898 old players game. Probably Archibald Douglas
J. Farquhar 1886 Committee
Charlie Forbes Referred to as an MFC reject when he joined Essendon from North Park in 1889.
Grey 1879-1880 Doctor and Vice-President
Hardcastle 1866 Committee
Alf Holden ? Shown as an ex-player at a 1932 reunion
Dr Lulham 1893?-1894? Honorary Surgeon
CH Marriott-Watson ? Shown as old player in 1899. Probably Charles Watson.
John McIlwraith ? Test cricketer said to have played for Melbourne in the 1880s, but there is no evidence to support this.
J. Mullally ? Described on his death in 1934 as 'an old member' of the Melbourne Football Club
G. Murdoch 1886 Committee in 1886
Osborne 1879 Expected to join but may not have
Fred Pleasance MCC Committeeman May have also played. Died 19/06/1897.
J. Sewell 1859 Treasurer and committeeman
F. Willis 1886 Committee. Possibly the 1885 Willis.