Secretary/Treasurer - William Freeman
Committee - James Byrne, Henry Harrison, William Freeman

At an AGM held on Friday 17 April, it was revealed the club had debts of 17s 6d. Henry Harrison, Freeman and Byrne were elected the match committee and it was decided that from then on the club's uniform would be a scarlet cap.

After a slump that had lasted several years Melbourne's ranks were boosted by the permanent addition of Carlton players James Byrne, Charles Forrester and Harry Chadwick who had walked out on their club after an internal dispute. They went through the season without suffering a defeat.

Scratch matches commenced on Saturday 18 April, and a game was scheduled against Emerald Hill for 9 May. It was postponed for a fortnight. Another game against the club was set for 22 August but called off when the visitors could only muster nine players. Melbourne resolved not to play any games against Emerald Hill until they could prove themselves able to fulfil the fixture.

A scratch match was played on the Melbourne Ground on Saturday 8 August.

16 May South Yarra DRAW
23 May Emerald Hill WIN
30 May Carlton DRAW
13 June 14th Regiment WIN
4 July Carlton DRAW
11 July 14th Regiment WIN
18 July University WIN
25 July Emerald Hill DRAW
1 August South Yarra WIN
15 August Carlton DRAW
29 August South Yarra WIN
5 September 14th Regiment DRAW
19 September Geelong DRAW


Dave Adamson, Charles Barrass, Wilton Barfoot, Barnes, Larry Bell, John Bennie, F. Bruford, James Byrne, Donald Campbell, H. Carr, Harry Chadwick, C. Chessell, JA Clarke, John Colville, Copeland, E. Disher, W. Finlay, Fitzgerald, Charles Forrester, J. Forrester, William Freeman, Ben Goldsmith, James Green, E. Harrison, Henry Harrison, Hor. Harrison, Tom Hepburn, Charlie Hillsden, E. Hinton, Tom Hope, E. Hurst, G. Hurst, W. Hurst, Richard Ireland, Tom Ireland, W. Johnston, W. King, T. Leach, F. Marsden, C. McCracken, McLennan, J. Moodie, S. Moodie, T. Moodie, D. Ogilvy, William Riggall, A. Robinson, Roche, James Stodart, J. Sullivan, W. Thomas, Williams


Larry Bell 4, J. Moodie 3, James Byrne 2, John Bennie 1, C. Carr 1, C. Chessell 1, James Green 1, B. Goldsmith 1, Tom Hepburn 1, William Riggall 1

A C. Carr is shown as kicking a goal while H. Carr is shown as a player.

Another game against Emerald Hill on Saturday 20 June appears to not have been played. The 5 September game was listed in that day's papers as being against Carlton but ended up being played against 14th Regiment.

The selected team for the 22/08 game was from Bennie, Bruford, Byrne, Clarke, L. Bell, Forrester, Freeman, Hepburn, Leach, J. Moodie, S. Moodie, Green, Barrass, Thomas, HArrison, Williams, Carr, Riggall, J. Stodart, McLennan. Emergencies were Goldsmith, Robinson, Hinton, Harrison, J. Forrester and Hurst.

The next year the club claimed to have played in seven wins and six draws, meaning they considered one of the draws listed above to be a win.

Argus - 18/04/1868, 02/05/1868,
25/08/1868, 27/08/1868
Herald - 18/04/1868
Leader - 18/04/1868
Australasian - 25/04/1868, 08/08/1868, 22/08/1868
Age - 31/08/1868
"Origins of Australian Football: Volume 1" by Mark Pennings

Blueseum 1868 page