1989 Reserves season

Best and Fairest - Luke Beveridge

Players (included)
Ahern, Atkins, Bailey, Bennett, Beveridge, Bourke, Campbell, Chiron, Connolly, Cuthbertson, Dean, Farrell, Flintoff, Ford, M. Febey, Graham, Hawkins, Kavanagh, Keogh, Koop, Lovell, G. Lovett, Mahoney, Marshall, Morey, Peck, Power, Rennie, Rohde, Schwarz, Seow, B. Stynes, Turner, J. Viney, T. Viney, Wilson

Round 1
Fitzroy 20.18.138 d. Melbourne 9.14.68
Goals - Howat 2, M.Febey 1, J.Viney 1, Chiron 1, Normington 1, Ford 1, Mahoney 1, Beveridge 1
Best - S. Febey, J. Viney, Duursma

Round 2
Essendon 20.16.135 d. Melbourne 11.16.82
Goals - Howard 3, M.Febey 1, Keogh 1, Flintoff 1, Rennie 1, Sparks 1, Beveridge 1, Hawkins 1, Turner 1
Best - Kavanagh, Normington, Peck

Round 3
Richmond 13.16.94 d. Melbourne 8.13.61
Goals - Rennie 3, G. Lovett 1, J. Viney 1, Atkins 1, Sparks 1, Beveridge 1
Best - Kavanagh, Graham, Koop

Round 4
Brisbane 19.14.128 d. Melbourne 10.12.72
Goals: T. Viney 2, Atkins 2, Keipert 2, G. Lovett 1, Dean 1, Rennie 1, Tingay 1
Best: T. Viney, Tingay, G. Lovett

Round 5
Footscray 20.14.134 d. Melbourne 8.11.77
Goals - Dean 2, Yeats 1, Rennie 1, Ahern 1, Beveridge 1
Best - Howat, Yeats, Peck

Round 6
Melbourne 17.11.113 d Collingwood 10.8.68
Goals: Beveridge 5, Howat 4, Yeats 2, Morey 2, Eishold 1, Keogh 1, Mahoney 1, Tingay 1
Best: Team effort

Round 7
Carlton 22.12.144 d. Melbourne 16.17.113
Goals - Farrell 4, Dean 2, Atkins 2, Wilson 1, Connolly 1, Bailey 1, Chiron 1, Keogh 1, Ahern 1, Howat 1, Morey 1
Best - Bailey, Chiron, Graham

Round 8

Round 9
Sydney Swans 16.17.113 d Melbourne 12.17.89
Goals: Cuthbertson 4, Chiron 2, Rennie 2, M. Febey 1, Connolly 1, Morey 1, Rohde 1
Best: Campbell, Chiron, Wilson

Round 10
North Melbourne 25.16.166 d. Melbourne 11.19.85
Goals - Mahoney 3, Farrell 3, Rohde 2, Connelly 1, Cuthbertson 1, Peck 1
Best - Campbell, Kavanagh, M. Febey

Round 11
Melbourne 9.13.67 d. Hawthorn 8.7.55
Goals - Farrell 3, Morey 2, Wilson 1, M. Febey 1, Connolly 1, Rennie 1
Best - Turner, Rohde, Wilson

Round 12
Geelong 14.9.93 d. Melbourne 9.11.65
Goals - Dean 2, Yeats 1, Kavanagh 1, Connolly 1, Bailey 1, Farrell 1, Flintoff 1, Ahern 1
Best - Yeats, Bourke, Rohde

Round 13
BYE (a practice match was played vs St Kilda)

Round 14
Melbourne 20.14.124 d. Brisbane 14.8.92
Goals - T. Viney 4, Bennett 3, Flintoff 3, Beveridge 3, Hawkins 2, Bailey 2, Lovell 1, Farrell 1, Mahoney 1
Best - T. Viney, Connolly, Bailey

Round 15
North Melbourne 17.14.116 d. Melbourne 9.4.58
Goals - Farrell 3, T. Viney 2, Connolly 2, Mahoney 1, Beveridge 1, Howat 1
Best - Rohde, Campbell, T. Viney

Round 16
Geelong 30.13.193 d. Melbourne 8.17.65
Goals - Kavanagh 1, Lovell 1, Connolly 1, Rennie 1, Beveridge 1, Howat 1, Tingay 1, Power 1
Best - Rohde, Power, Mahoney

Round 17
Carlton 22.17.149 d. Melbourne 15.10.100
Goals - Rennie 6, Power 2, G. Lovett 1, Connolly 1, Peck 1, Koop 1, Howat 1, Tingay 1, Graham 1
Best - Mahoney, Rennie, Bourke
Reports - Graham (abusive language)

Round 18
Fitzroy 16.19.115 d. Melbourne 6.16.52
Goals - Putamorsi 2, Rennie 1, Power 1, Eishold 1, Cuthbertson 1
Best - Lovett, Eishold, Viney

Round 19
Hawthorn 10.13.73 d. Melbourne 5.11.41
Goals - Howat 2, Ford 1, Power 1, Putamorsi 1
Best - Lovell, Bailey, Ford

Round 20
Sydney Swans 19.14.128 d Melbourne 8.6.54
Goals: Chiron 2, Grehan 2, Lance 1, Lovell 1, Mahoney 1, Rennie 1.
Best: J. Viney, Lovell, Rennie

Round 21
Melbourne 24.16.160 d. St Kilda 14.10.94
Goals - Jackson 5, Beveridge 4, Power 3, Seow 3, Bailey 2, Chiron 2, Dean 1, Graham 1, Hawkins 1, Mahoney 1, B. Stynes 1
Best - Beveridge, Bailey, Chiron

Round 22
Essendon 11.12.78 d. Melbourne 9.11.65
Goals - Lovell 2, Rennie 1, Seow 1, Bennett 1, Grehan 1, B. Stynes 1
Best - Rennie, Howat, Lovell


Carlton 1604129.864
Geelong 1505154.460
North Melbourne1208119.148
St Kilda111861.16


19 Peter Rennie
18 Luke Beveridge
15 Chris Farrell
12 John Howat
9 Chris Connolly
Matthew Mahoney
8 Dean Chiron
Warren Dean
Matthew Power
Todd Viney
6 Bret Bailey
Darren Cuthbertson
Nik Morey
5 Michael Atkins
David Flintoff
Ricky Jackson
Andy Lovell
4 Darren Bennett
Matthew Febey
Graham Hawkins
Danny Seow
Stephen Tingay
Graeme Yeats
3 John Ahern
Tom Grehan
Rod Keogh
Glenn Lovett
David Putamorsi
Peter Rohde
2 Simon Eishold
Andrew Ford
Anthony Graham
Tom Kavanagh
Tom Keipert
Andrew Peck
Brad Sparks
Brian Stynes
Jay Viney
Brian Wilson
1 Doug Koop
Anthony Lance
Dallas Normington
Scott Turner

'Howard' may also be John Howat

Inside Football - 14/06/1989
Age - 14/06/1989