Alex McKenzie

DOB: 3 March 1868
Died: Unknown

From: Coburg

Rover "Dookie" McKenzie played from 1888 until early 1889 when he walked out on Melbourne to try his luck with Carlton. His debut with the Blues was delayed due to a permit controversy, the club agreed to to release him only if he stood out two Saturdays, but in the interim he played with Brunswick against a local Seymour team.

It was rumoured that he had put his services on the line in the easy season match against Carlton, and when the Blues won comfortably he chose to walk.

Despite this the VFA permit committee decided to issue a clearance for him as by this time he had been out four Saturdays. He debuted almost immediately and played for the Blues in 1889 and 1890. He returned to the Melbourne side in 1891, remaining there until end 1895. In 1894 he started the season in Western Australia with Coolgardie but returned in July. He made a handful of appearances in 1895 while on holiday from WA, and appeared in one 1896 game under the assumed name 'McLeod'. In was at West Perth in 1897, and despite being linked with a return to Melbourne midway through that year he did not play VFL again. He later umpired.

He would provide inspiration for the nickname of future Redleg coach Jack McKenzie. His older brother was Murdoch McKenzie.

Played a game/games in 1894 as 'McLeod'. May have gone to Brunswick in 1890 before Carlton.

Some sources show his year of birth as 1875.

Pre-VFL Players

Australasian - 22/06/1889
Herald - 25/06/1897
Sporting Globe - 28/08/1935
Sporting Globe - 18/09/1935

Blueseum profile