
Kevin Parry

Image DOB: 1933
Died: 26 November 2010

Western Australian businessman, America's Cup defender, and founder of the Perth Heat baseball team, who underwrote Melbourne's sponsorship in 1987 because his son followed the club. At first, he was reported to be injecting $2 million into the side, but it became a deal where he would step in and cover costs if the club's existing major sponsors pulled out.

His company Parry Group intended to sponsor the club to the tune of $400,000 over four years with two further five year options but Melbourne never got a chance to get their hands on his money. After spending $20 million on the Cup challenge, the stock market crash of 1987 caused Parry to lose control of his company with debts of $80 million.

In 1988 Parry was appointed an Officer of the Order of Australia, but the award was rescinded in 1996 when he was charged with stealing $75,000 from the Western Australian State Superannuation Board. He died in a car crash in 2010.


Age - 15/08/1986
Age - 25/08/1986
Age - 19/01/1987
Age - 15/01/1988
Age - 08/09/1996
Western Australian - 27/10/2010

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