
1996 Reserves Season

Best and Fairest - Anthony McDonald
Second Best and Fairest - Paul Corrigan
Third Best and Fairest - Christian Davidson

A practice match against Essendon on Saturday 9 March was cancelled, and replaced by a game against St Kilda.


Practice match - Saturday 9 March, Moorabbin
vs St Kilda

Round 1
Melbourne 20.23.143 d. Geelong 3.11.29
Goals - Nettlebeck 5, Farmer 3, Davidson 3, Bradly 2, Guest 2, Gehling 2, Ormond-Allen 2, Polley 1
Best - Nettlebeck, Polley, Lamprill

Selected team
B: McHardy, Bunning, Molloy
HB: Norman, Lamprill, Price
C: McDonald, O'Brien, A. Yze
HF: Davidson, Nettelbeck, Guest
F: Gehling, Ormond-Allen, Bradly
Foll: Irving, Polley, Farmer
Int: Corrigan, Railton
Emg: Nash

Round 2
Collingwood 22.20.152 d. Melbourne 8.7.55
Goals - Bartul 1, Bradly 1, Gehling 1, Lamprill 1, McDonald 1, O'Brien 1, Ormond-Allen 1, Polley 1
Best - McHardy, Lamprill, Hilton

Round 3
St Kilda 9.9.63 d. Melbourne 7.8.50
Goals - D.Yze 2, Polley 1, Gehling 1, Gaspar 1, Farmer 1, Bradly 1
Best - Irving, Cockatoo-Collins, Davidson

Round 4
Melbourne 20.14.134 d. Carlton 8.8.56
Goals - D. Yze 7, Molloy 2, Guest 2, Donald Cockatoo-Collins 2, Bartul 2, Bunning 1, Corrigan 1, Davidson 1, Irving 1, McDonald 1
Best - Irving, Davidson, Guest

Selected team
B: McHardy, Bunning, Price
HB: Norman, Gaspar, Molloy
C: McDonald, O'Brien, Don. Cockatoo-Colins
HF: Davidson, Bartul, Ormond-Allen
F: Guest, D. Yze, Railton
Foll: Irving, Polley, Gehling
Int: Corrigan

Round 5
Melbourne 17.7.109 d. North Melbourne 10.9.69
Goals - Bradly 3, Gaspar 3, Bartul 2, Polley 2, D.Yze 2, Corrigan 1, Doyle 1, McDonald 1, Sampson 1, Faulkner 1
Best - Davidson, McDonald, Doyle

Round 6
Melbourne 11.18.84 d. Collingwood 8.17.65
Goals - Guest 4, D. Yze 4, Bradly 2, Corrigan 1
Best - McDonald, McHardy, Lamprill

Selected team
B: McHardy, Gaspar, Price
HB: Ormond-Allen, Lamprill, Hardie
C: Guest, Davidson, A. Yze
HF: Faulkner, Bartul, Corrigan
F: Railton, Bradly, D. Yze
Foll: Doyle, McDonald, Sampson
Int: Anderson, Sinclair

Round 7
Sydney 12.13.85 d. Melbourne 9.12.66
Goals - Doyle 4, Sampson 2, Yze 2, Bradly 1
Best - Price, Bunning, Ormond-Allen

Selected team
B: Price, Bunning, Gehling
HB: Ormond-Allen, Seecamp, Nash
C: McDonald, Davidson, Bartul
HF: Faulkner, Bradly, Guest
F: Railton, Doyle, Yze
Int: Sinclair, Hardie

Round 8
Hawthorn 16.7.103 d. Melbourne 7.10.52
Goals - Bartul 1, Corrigan 1, Doyle 1, Gehling 1, Norman 1, Polley 1, D. Yze 1
Best - Ormond-Allen, Norman, McDonald

Round 9
Essendon 19.14.128 d. Melbourne 11.10.76
Goals - Bradly 3, Charles 2, Corrigan 2, McDonald 2, O'Brien 1, D. Yze 1
Best - McDonald, Corrigan, Charles

Selected team
B: Nash, Bunning, Railton
HB: Molloy, Guest, Leoncelli
C: McDonald, O'Brien, Bartul
HF: Davidson, Sampson, Corrigan
F: Bradly, Charles, Yze
Foll: Irving, Norman, Gehling
Int: Not named

Round 10
Melbourne 16.12.108 d. Collingwood 10.6.66
Goals - Norman 4, Molloy 2, Leoncelli 2, Cockatoo-Collins 2, Bartul 1, Corrigan 1, Davidson 1, Guest 1, Hilton 1, Polley 1
Best - O'Brien, McHardy, Irving

Selected side (from)
Bartul, Bradly, Charles, Don. Cockatoo-Collins, Doyle, Gaspar, Gehling, Irving, Lamprill, Leoncelli, McHardy, Molloy, Norman, O'Brien, Polley, Sampson, Smith, Bunning, Corrigan, Davidson, Guest, Nash, McDonald, Yze, Railton

Round 11
Melbourne 14.16.100 d. Fitzroy 14.11.95
Goals - D. Yze 4, Hilton 2, Gaspar 2, Corrigan 1, Leoncelli 1, McDonald 1, Norman 1, O'Brien 1, Polley 1
Best - Corrigan, McDonald, O'Brien

Selected side (from)
Bartul, Bradly, Bunning, Charles, Don. Cockatoo-Collins, Corrigan, Davidson, Doyle, Gaspar, Gehling, Grant, Guest, Irving, Leoncelli, Molloy, Nash, Norman, McDonald, O'Brien, Polley, Sampson, A. Yze, D. Yze

Round 12 (played Friday 21 June)
Richmond 18.14.122 d. Melbourne 11.15.81
Goals - Norman 2, O'Brien 2, Sampson 2, Hilton 1, Nash 1, Polley 1, D. Yze 1, Tobin 1
Best - O'Brien, Hilton, Davidson

Selected team
B: Davidson, Bunning, Nash
HB: Leoncelli, Gaspar, Molloy
C: Bartul, O'Brien, Sampson
HF: Corrigan, Guest, Hilton
F: Railton, Norman, D. Yze
Foll: Irving, McDonald, Gehling
Int: Not named

Round 13 (played Saturday 29 June)
Melbourne 9.10.64 d. St Kilda 8.14.62
Goals - Guest 3, Sampson 2, Davidson 1, Molloy 1, D. Yze 1, Parthenides 1
Best - Corrigan, Lamprill, Irving

Selected team (from)
Bartul, Bunning, Corrigan, Cockatoo-Collins, Davidson, Doyle, Gaspar, Gehling, Grant, Guest, Hilton, Irving, Lamprill, Leoncelli, McDonald, Molloy, Nash, Norman, O'Brien, Ormond-Allen, Railton, Sampson, D. Yze

Round 14
Footscray 11.9.75 d. Melbourne 6.12.48
Goals - Guest 2, Corrigan 1, Irving 1, McDonald 1, Ormond-Allen 1
Best - Hilton, Corrigan, Norman

Selected team (from)
Bartul, Bunning, Don. Cockatoo-Collins, Corrigan, Davidson, Doyle, S. Febey, Gaspar, Gehling, Guest, Hilton, Irving, Lamprill, Leoncelli, Molloy, McDonald, Nash, Norman, O'Brien, Ormond-Allen, Polley, Railton, Sampson, D. Yze

Round 15
Melbourne 11.12.78 d. Richmond 5.2.32
Goals - Guest 4, Corrigan 2, Irving 2, Molloy 1, Norman 1, Gehling 1
Best - Irving, McDonald, Corrigan

Selected team (from)
Bartul, Bunning, Donald Cockatoo-Collins, Corrigan, Davidson, Doyle, S. Febey, Gaspar, Gehling, Grant, Guest, Grant, Hilton, Irving, Lamprill, Leoncelli, McHardy, McDonald, Molloy, Nash, Norman, O'Brien, Ormond-Allen, A. Yze, D. Yze.

Round 16
Geelong 9.14.68 d. Melbourne 4.5.29
Goals - D. Yze 2, Robertson 1, Corrigan 1
Best - McDonald, Norman, Corrigan

Round 17
North Melbourne 14.11.95 d. Melbourne 12.10.82
Goals - Corrigan 3, McDonald 2, Davidson 1, Doyle 1, S. Febey 1, Sampson 1, Smith 1, A. Yze 1, D. Yze 1
Best - Norman, Doyle, Corrigan

Selected team (from)
Charles, Corrigan, Davidson, Doyle, S. Febey, Guest, McDonald, Molloy, Nash, Norman, Ormond-Allen, Sampson, A. Yze, D. Yze (only 14 named)

Round 18
Sydney 22.20.152 d. Melbourne 3.4.22
Goals - Howman 2, Gehling 1
Best - Doyle, McDonald, Davidson

Selected team (from)
Bartul, Bradly, Charles, Donald Cockatoo-Collins, Corrigan, Davidson, Doyle, S. Febey, Gaspar, Gehling, Guest, Hilton, Irving, McDonald, Molloy, Nash, Norman, Ormond-Allen, Polley, Sampson, Seecamp, A. Yze, D. Yze

Round 19
Carlton 20.12.132 d. Melbourne 12.6.78
Goals - Bradly 3, Corrigan 2, Doyle 2, Davidson 1, Faulkner 1, Gehling 1, Madden 1, Nash 1
Best - McDonald, Corrigan, Doyle

Selected team (from)
Bradly, Corrigan, Davidson, Doyle, Gaspar, Gehling, Guest, Hilton, McDonald, Nash, Polley, A. Yze, Holcombe, Robertson, O'Callaghan, Parthenidis, Roberts (17 named)

Round 20
North Melbourne 21.16.142 d. Melbourne 6.8.44
Goals - Bradly 1, Doyle 1, Gleeson 1, Guest 1, Thompson 1, D. Yze
Best - Corrigan, Davidson, Grant

Round 21
Melbourne 10.16.76 d. Collingwood 11.8.74
Goals - Davidson 2, Doyle 2, Molloy 2, Bradly 1, Donald Cockatoo-Collins 1, Guest 1, D. Yze 1
Best - Grant, Gaspar, Bradly

Round 22
Melbourne 18.11.119 d. Hawthorn 10.8.68
Goals - Bradly 3, Corrigan 3, Gehling 3, Molloy 3, Parker 2, Doyle 1, Grant 1, McDonald 1, D.Yze 1
Best - Corrigan, Bradly, Grant

Selected team (from)
Bartul, Bradly, Donald Cockatoo-Collins, Corrigan, Davidson, Doyle, Gehling, Grant, McDonald, Molloy, Nash, Ormond-Allen, Polley, D. Yze (only 14 named)



Age - 07/03/1996

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