
September 1863 match vs Geelong

Saturday 12 September - Richmond Paddock

Melbourne 0
Geelong 2 (half time 0-1)

Geelong win

Melbourne had still not received the promised silver Caledonian Cup from University after winning it a month earlier, but nevertheless put it on the line in the last game of the season.

After taking three games to win the Caledonian challenge cup from University the Reds lost it at the first defence - putting out their weakest side of the year in the last match of the season. They were lacking a number of players due to competing rowing matches on the Yarra, and only managed to muster up a team of 18 men and boys by roping in occasional players.

The match ran for one and three-quarter hours, with former (and future) Melburnian George Tait scoring first after an hour. Melbourne battled strongly after conceding but could not avoid a second.

Age - 04/09/1863
Geelong Advertiser - 12/09/1863
Argus - 12/09/1863
Bell's Life - 19/09/1863
Leader - 19/09/1863

Created by supermercado. Last Modification: Saturday 15 October 2022 03:41:35 AEDT by Supermercado. (Version 10)

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