
July 1886 match 2 vs Southern Tasmania

Saturday 17 July - Hobart
Crowd - 3000

Southern Tasmania 2.6
Melbourne 3.12

Melbourne win by 1 goal

Goalkickers: Unknown

Team (from)
Baird, Bailey, Buscombe, Crayshaw, Burns, Coulson, Dondds, Edwards, Elliott, Franks, Griffith, Garton, Wobbs, Johnson, Lyman, Murphy, Morgan, Morrison, Nuttall, O'Bern, Plant, Robinson, Strachan, Peter

Franks (broken leg) and Morgan (knocked out) were injured.

Tasmanian News - 08/07/1886
Mercury - 19/07/1886
Australasian - 24/07/1886
Mercury - 20/07/1936

Created by Supermercado. Last Modification: Monday 14 October 2019 17:34:48 AEDT by Supermercado. (Version 7)

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