July 1894 Match vs South Melbourne

Saturday July 7 - South Melbourne Cricket Ground

South Melbourne 0.0, 1.1, 3.1, 4.1
Melbourne 1.4, 5.9, 5.9, 9.12

Melbourne win by 5 goals

Goalkickers: Christy 3, Wilson 3, McCarthy 2, Roche 1

Despite the relatively modest margin, Melbourne's domination against South was almost complete. Their 21 shots on goal to five shows how much better they were on the day.

Melbourne wisely identified several tactics which South had used so far during the season and set players to counter them. Moysey, Wardill and Lewis were all used as taggers - one of the first times the idea of negating players was systematically used - and their close checking caused their opponents to be well below their best.

The only time South had any domination was in the third quarter when a gale blew directly towards the goal Melbourne was defending, but when the Reds had their chance to kick with the wind they ran away with victory.

McGinis, Fry and Moodie were best.

Argus - 09/07/1894