1935 Exhibition Match vs Northern District League

Saturday 3 August - Swan Hill
Crowd - 5000

Melbourne 5.2, 9.5, 11.11, 18.15.123
Northern District League 1.1, 4.5, 6.7, 9.11.65

Melbourne won by 58 points

Goals: Ron Baggott 9, Glass 2, Foster 1, McNamara 1 Bennett 1, Roberts 1, Young 1, Wartman 1, Evans 1

Best were Baggott, Adams and Wartman. La Fontaine took a kick on the leg that turned septic.

Coach Checker Hughes did not go on the trip due to business commitments, and Colin Niven accompanied in the side but did not play due to a back injury.

Opposition called the Northern District Association in some sources.

Sun - 02/05/1935
Argus - 05/08/1935
Herald - 15/08/1935
Football Record R15 1935