
1903 Exhibition Match vs Bairnsdale

Thursday 6 August - Bairnsdale

Melbourne 6.1, 10.3, 12.5, 18.10.118
Bairnsdale 1.1, 2.2, 4.3, 5.6.36

Melbourne win by 72 points

Melbourne had been offered 20 guineas to play the game. It was the first time a league team had travelled to Bairnsdale for 20 years. They fielded a team only two short of a first choice lineup.

The Reds were dominant in the first quarter, and were the better side into the opening minutes of the second when the locals improved.

Melbourne only won the third quarter by three points, but the effort of the locals took its toll in the last quarter and the visitors ran away with an easy win.

Parkin injured his ankle.

B: Moriarty, Henderson, Jackson
HB: McClelland, Parkin, Purse
C: C. Gardiner, Herring, Sowden
HF: J. Gardiner, Coutie, Leith
F: E. Gardner, Anderson, Strong
Foll: Moody, Tout, Langley

Played on the 'College Ground'

Maffra Spectator - 25/06/1903
Gippsland Time - 27/07/1903
Argus - 05/08/1903
Bairnsdale Advertiser and Omeo Chronicle - 06/08/1903
Bairnsdale Advertiser and Omeo Chronicle - 06/08/1903
Bairnsdale Advertiser and Omeo Chronicle - 08/08/1903
Bairnsdale Advertiser and Omeo Chronicle - 08/08/1903
Maffra Spectator - 10/08/1903

Created by supermercado. Last Modification: Thursday 07 March 2019 17:29:01 AEDT by Supermercado. (Version 5)

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