
1877 June Match vs St Kilda

Saturday 30 June - St Kilda Cricket Ground
Crowd - About 700

St Kilda 0
Melbourne 4 (half time 0-0)

Melbourne win by 4 goals

Goalkickers: Charles Baker 3, Longden 1

St Kilda started six players short, but managed to attack first anyway. They gathered some reinforcements and scored first just before half-time, but Melbourne captain Sillett discovered they had 22 men on the field and made a protest for the goal to be disallowed. The St Kilda captain agreed, and the match went into the break nil-all.

Having taken the home side's only goal of the first half, the second half was all Melbourne and they scored goals through C. Baker (3) and Longden.

F. Baker missed several place-kicks but his side were dominant enough for it not to matter.

Umpire Thomas was said to have discharged his duties with "firmness and impartiality". St Kilda, playing their first match under the new rules, gave away several needless free kicks.

Longden, Sillett and Moffatt were best.

Argus - 02/07/1877
Australasian - 07/07/1877

Created by Supermercado. Last Modification: Thursday 28 March 2024 13:04:49 AEDT by Supermercado. (Version 8)

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