July 1883 match vs Port Adelaide

Monday 2 July - Melbourne Ground
Crowd: 100-500

Melbourne 2.9
Ports 1.2 (half time 1.7-0.0)

Goalkickers: Stiffe 1, Duncan 1

Against the visiting South Australians, Melbourne put out a side that was hardly representative and featured less than half of the usual best 20. To make matters worse the game was played in continuous rain and the players spent most of the game sloshing around in muddy water for the amusement of a handful of spectators.

There were still doubts the game would go ahead until shortly before the players emerged. McKenzie captained Melbourne and won the toss, but there was little other than players kicking along the ground due to the conditions. With the mud and fog hovering over the ground players were barely distinguishable to the tiny crowd.

Some sources show the opposition name as "Ports" and their score as 1.1

Argus - 03/07/1883
Age - 03/07/1883
Leader - 07/07/1883