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Garry Lyon in true early 90's dreamboat pose. Ladies, calm thyselves.

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Ricky Jackson in victorious pose, unaware that his plums are about 2mm from dangling into shot.

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Phil Read realises what's going to happen to the club after they delist him.

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Gerard Healy in the early 80's - Skills = silky, Hair = Sunsilk

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Greg Hutchison was either cold or really intimidated by who was taking the photo...

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... possibly because it was this guy.

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Early period Barass in "I'm going to rip your throat out" pose.

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The short lived phenomenon where players had to look away from the camera was given the appropriate amount of respect by Robert Flower, who is clearly trying not to piss himself laughing.

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Tony Dullard followed this shot with an album of power ballads.

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Graham Gaunt.. startled

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Greg Hutchison.. apprehensive.

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Barry Norsworthy has no interest in being photographed.

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Greg Wells in full 70's pimping mode. Chewing gum, looking like he's about to snot somebody. Classic.

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Paul Thompson sent his school concession card photo in.

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Peter Johnston leant a bit further to the side, fell over and later won a Pete Doherty lookalike competition.

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Michael Young in proto-Brereton blonde bombshell shot.

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Kelly O'Donnell just got asked if we were going to make the finals. Then or now? Doesn't really matter does it.

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Maurice Wingate would be more worried if he wasn't under such heavy sedation.

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O'Donnell again - victim of a paparazzi style surprise card photo.

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Barry Denny is.. god knows what.

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Phil Seaton perfects the art of looking like a stoned 14-year-old girl.

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Bet you he wouldn't have been that happy if he'd known what he was getting himself into.

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There are no words to describe what is going on this photo of Tony Barnes. Just make sure the kids are kept away. Too late? Well that's not our fault.

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Ken Roberts was just happy to be there. Really, really, really happy.

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Ray Biffin in the all-time #1 prototype shot for footballers who want to look utterly baffled in their card shot. The only thing that could have made it better was a look at his gap-tastic teeth.

Next week - Great achievements in personal grooming.